Sunday, June 8, 2014

Gangsta Shhhhhhhh To Your Mother


I just had a mini epiphany...

I've been blogging for over a year.
And in that time span I have grown SOOOOOOO much.
At least I think so!

I started off at a relatively safe place- a plateau.
Since that time I've wound my way through Jungian concepts, explored personal beliefs, challenged thought patterns and behaviors...
Crazy shit!! (At least to me anyway)

Thinking back to the time when I began blogging- I was essentially bored.
I had stagnated personally.
I felt like I was going no where and had felt highly unfulfilled, despite being secure and safe (well... as safe as a person of my position can be living in a city full of thoughtful individuals with a mission to rid you of pesky personal belongings).

And you know, now... I feel very differently.

Upon further reflection I do not feel the same void I once did spiritually, professionally or personally.
In fact, I feel like I've come an extremely long way in learning to connect with others, meaningfully.
And that's kind of a BIG FUCKING DEAL YO!!

I've gotten to know myself infinitely better and therefore have a much better handle on situations that would have otherwise had me huddled in a corner weeping.

My significant other and I will be moving soon to a lovely new state that is much less crowded and where the beer flows like wine.
The process of actually making this a reality is overwhelmingly massive.

And it got compounded when my significant other said that they almost fainted at work because they're schedule is insane and they work all day and go to class till 9 every night of the week and do homework before they pass out in between.
So needless to say I am in charge of finding a place, finding a job, packing and moving us all within the next 6 weeks... And I'm still working till.. I dunno, July 11th. ?

What in the hell do I do?

Well the me BEFORE would have had a nervous breakdown after foolishly attempting and failing miserably to get all of it done myself. THEN bawl in a corner and eventually make myself sick from exhaustion.
THEN I'd call my mom and cry and she would eventually suggest coming to help me.

I skipped over all that other bullshit and just called my mom.
And why my mom you ask?
It's not just because of the obvious "Man, my mom knows how to fix everything."
No, no, no, no, you don't understand.
MY MOM 1) has few obligations at present, 2) financial resources *via POPS, 3) a motherly instinct to help her offspring and 4) the indispensable organization skills of military wife who has moved across country with a family in tow (often by herself) a ZILLION times before.
She's like a freakin powerhouse in these situations.

So hurray for learning how to SKIP ALL THE BULLSHIT and CALL FOR HELP!!!

It saves so much time and energy!

The plan?
Mom comes in Wednesday.
Drive to [insert 1 of 50 states here] Thursday.
Go to (awesome) new job interview Friday.
Find place to move my junk to Saturday.
Drive home and drink awesome beer Sunday. 

And now I feel supremely confident all of this will not only get done, but will be done with the efficiency of... a well oiled machine...that...
is made for doing....
things like this?

In the last year...
I have learned to be a gangsta.

To your mother.

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