Monday, June 3, 2013

What to expect when you're expecting.

You know, this Star Wars theme is wonderful. It's practically the perfect template for drawing all sorts of things! SOOOO many people have beat this idea into the ground! And although that may have some drawbacks, it's perfect for someone (like me) who has no idea what they're doing!!

For instance,
Just searching around I found this cool ass website called The Mythology Teacher. It has its own little tab for A Hero's Journey that talks almost exclusively about Star Wars and the types of struggles present throughout the story.
One word that caught my attention was Monomyth.
So I'm thinking, "Okay, what's that? One myth? The ultimate myth?" OOooooOOoooooOOOoooo
 Now, I don't know how this never made it into my program's curriculum, but this is great!! Basically EVERY story has the same elements. There's also a super cool Joseph Campbell one that looks intimidating as hell but explains things a bit more.

I don't know why it starts to the left... kind of confuses me... And check out that leopard with the eyepatch? Isn't he the freakin BOMB!? Yea man! I want HIM to be the hero of my story!!

So obviously as I'm searching I'm thinking about myself and wondering where I might be in this little circle thing.
I think I've made it through the whole "refusal of call" thing. Fairly certain I've come to terms with making a fool out of myself on the internet, because really.... who isn't these days??
Perhaps  my supernatural aid is the information I find online. MAYBE my aid is STAR WARS?! DAMN, how cool is that?!#@$^*@#
So next?

According to the Mythology Teacher:
As they embark on their journey, the heroes enter a world they have never experienced before. Very often it is filled with supernatural creatures, breathtaking sights, and the constant threat of death. Unlike the heroes' home, this outside work has its own rules, and they quickly learn to respect these rules as their endurance, strength, and mettle are tested time and time again. After all, it is not the end of the journey which teaches, but the journey itself.
The Wizard of Oz: Dorothy must learn the rules of Oz.
The Matrix: Neo must come to grips with the realities and unrealities of the Matrix.

I have a feeling the set of rules that are unknown to me are the ones pertaining to the management of an actual blog. I've barely read a blog, let alone know how to manage one. For example: What the hell is up with these stats?! Do I really need to know what countries people are reading this in? I mean it's cool to think someone in Saudi Arabia has (*cough cough* my aunt *cough*) but it can be overwhelming to think about. Now granted, I don't think I'll have to worry about it, but people get PAID for this?! There's an "Earnings" tab! I never understood how that worked... but I suppose that's how all these youtube celebrities and bloggers can afford to keep food in their mouths...

Okay- so that would have been the perfect opening for a ridiculous video of someone lighting their farts on fire while riding a skateboard down a hill in San Francisco- but I couldn't find one. Instead I found this!

Monomyth explained much easier!

AND, if for some reason you think I've been avoiding this whole "diving in to the depths of the unknown" because I'm scared shitless and am wasting time skirting around the edge of this "ABYSS" ?

MAN, how BADASS is that leopard with one eye!?! He looks like he has a cool ass name like Reginald the Thirdington or some shit!... 

DUDE... Where did he COME from?!?

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