When I envision going into the "depths," the imagery that pops up is the ocean floor.
Thanks to a documentary I saw recently, I can envision this more completely.
If you've never seen much of the ocean floor, you are much like everyone on the planet because even the few who have been to the abyssal plain will agree that they too, have not seen much of the ocean floor. And that's not because the sun's light does not penetrate that far. Apparently less than 1% of the ocean floor has been explored- less than the surface of the moon...
The array of creatures found there are astounding. And even more
interesting are the ecosystems that develop from deep sea vents.
Bacteria growing as a result of a periodic elements seeping from a vent,
feeding small creatures like crabs and giant tube worms.
Kielbasa anyone?
And you know Star Wars had to make an appearance...
Apparently this is the Yoda purpurata and it is a new species of deep-sea acorn worm in the deep Atlantic. It's got the wrinkles on its head and EVERYTHING! Swimming with the force it is... The DARK SIDE!! And its totally coincidental that Yoda's background is white and the worm's is black...
ANYWAY... this isn't the only thing that's rocked my world lately.
As I've mentioned previously, I will be moving soon. Still in the same city, but to a different location. As it happens, in the same building.
However, in the search for floor plans and ways in which to maximize the space in my new home, I stumbled upon the ancient art of "Feng Shui."
Now, I've been mildly interested by this concept before but never researched it and because I had nothing better to do, I decided now was as good of a time as ever.
What I found was essentially a formula for organizing household objects to maximize "Chi."
According to a random online dictionary Chi is "The vital force believed in Taoism and other Chinese thought to be
inherent in all things."
Now... I could be wrong but that sounds EXTRAORDINARILY LIKE THE FORCE, am I right?
Mini Twilight Zone episode in my head...
But all that aside... the idea of manipulating your environment to induce a sense of calm and purpose is something I believe in and think can ultimately be helpful in terms of paring down visual and mental distractions. Now whether or not I will be facing my bed due North... we shall see. Like I said, the concept is interesting and my apartment is DEFINITELY in need of a good clean out.
One of the first things any practical guide will tell you is the purge your house of clutter and things you don't need or will not be using soon. This is much much easier said than done. My significant other and I both were born to young, poor parents who didn't have a whole lot of option as to what to fill their homes with. If it was cheap and it worked (and sometimes if it was broken, yea you know.. whatever) it was good enough.
SO pretty much by default, we surround ourselves with things we get from garage sales, hand me down furniture, thrift store clothes, etc.
Do we need these things? No, of course not! We just like them so we keep them... and keep keeping them... You get the picture.
So Feng Shui also tends to get fairly symbolic in its reasoning. It maintains that areas of your home that are congested with items or junk indicate areas of your life that are stagnant or are in need of work.
I.e. If you have stacks of magazines, clothes and cobwebs in your bedroom- your love life may be suffering.
The Chi needs to be able to work people. It needs some space to roam!
How can you have any babies if you don't meet your Chi?
(HAHAHA! See what I did there... Pink Floyd THE WALL reference, which ALSO has a double meaning because I'm talking about things that BLOCK Chi!! HAHAHAHAHAHahah..ha.... Sigh... It's still awesome.)
So needless to say we might give it a try. The question that keeps popping up in my head is "Why not?"
The worst that can happen is we have a neater house... cleaner closets and things we care about actually have a place where they belong...
And perhaps a ridiculous store credit we plan to rack up once we've traded in boxes and boxes of books from forgotten dusty crevices (because that's exactly where they're coming from, I shit you not).
And since more credit at a book store is exactly what we DO NOT need, maybe our nieces and nephews can use it when they want a science or story book as a reward... or to keep them quiet for 20 minutes...
So yea, I'm done.
I've tried to make a solid logical connection between the deep sea and Feng Shui and all I got is the idea of "new" ecosystems (on the ocean floor and for my apartment) as a result of searching the depths.
And according to Feng Shui, black and blue are the colors that represent Water. And I originally thought that was pretty stupid (I can understand the blue, but BLACK?) until I thought about it... The reflection of the sky on the water and the penetration of the sun's rays are only meaningful within the first 200 meters...and it's a big ass... deep ass ocean...
So black representing water doesn't quite seem so stupid anymore...
Now... my couch creating a "poison arrow" because it's a sectional?
I might just have to live with it for now...
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