Sunday, June 9, 2013

Culture begats culture?

Culture.  What is it exactly?

There are quite a few definitions- some more confusing than I'd like to admit. So I'll tread carefully.

The features of a person's everyday life. A shared set of attitudes. An familiarity with the humanities and arts.

Then that's good news because I suppose I have some kind of culture then. The only problem I see is that it may not be one I like.

My significant other and I explored the suburbs yesterday, in the hopes of finding a new place to live. We are not the biggest fans of city living although we thought it might be best to at least experience it before we opted against it permanently.
But as we drove around, our moods became more somber. Did we really want to move there? Strip malls... traffic on all the main roads (because it was a weekend and practically EVERYONE works a 9-5)... It was a lot like the life we lived when we first met- only our parents had made the decision. Do we want to make the same one?
The argument against it was culture. We'd be leaving a community that was rich in it.
No, we don't necessarily submit to all of its teachings, but there are some we do.
We took a walk last night to a local park. In it were families playing, a drum circle, a game of catch, and a bum wishing us a pleasant rest of the weekend (WTF, am I right?!). We walked by one of several pianos placed in it to inspire people walking by to play.... Those surprises often make me feel like I am an active part of a community without even trying. Without lifting a finger, just being there. It leaves me unsure as to whether I'd want to give it up.

Diversity has always been a subject we agreed on. We like it, in moderation. Too much of it can drown you, but not enough can make you feel like just another sheep.
The difficulty is taking this into consideration as introverts, which both of us are. 
The decision we must make is a simple one.

However, the Philoso-Raptor doesn't give me an answer.
Yoda... help me!

"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."

Damn... that was seriously the first one I found...

Think on this I must.

Do my values align with those of the good folks of suburbia? Or have they been reshaped by those of the city dwellers? We used to say the city grew on us like a fungus. We didn't like it at first but then you begin to appreciate it in all its flaws. That and the air literally feels like something may be growing on you....


What kind of culture was I talking about?
Oh yea!! The practice of growing a living material... that MUST have been it.

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