Saturday, June 1, 2013
Protection Projection
I don't pretend to be a giant Star Wars fan so please correct me if I'm wrong.
Yoda is one of my favorite characters in the films although for all his wisdom I believe he may be the victim of his own projections..
Let me explain.
I'm sure any hardcore fan may already know what I will be bringing up.
While watching the 1st, 2nd and 3rd episodes my loving fondness for Yoda changed and it left a small niggling feeling in the back of my head.
In the first film he says this to Anakin in the Jedi Council:
"Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you."
I think in many ways this quote sums up the place where Yoda is stuck in his understanding.
Fear can lead to the Dark Side- Fear can lead to anger, anger can lead to hate and hate can lead to suffering yes. YES? And THEN what?! But he stops.
The suffering.
What comes from suffering? What comes from broken bones? A broken heart?
Clarity. A deeper understanding. Knowledge.
And that's where I agree with the Emperor to some extent.
I believe the true hero of the stories (thus far) is Anakin Skywalker. He walked both lines and crossed to both for his own purposes and reason. Maybe Luke will be a transformational character as well. I guess we'll see in the next three movies, eh!?!
Anyway- back to Yoda.
Yoda's on the "good" side right? An unrepentant Jedi who strove to teach others in his image. But you can't save the universe with only one piece of the puzzle. Faith and trust must be given to the self to navigate both with careful consideration if you intend to transcend beyond them.
Rules must be broken. However, that is Yoda's role- to teach rules to begin with.
Now- I don't know if Yoda knows and understands his role in the larger scheme of the universe- I don't believe he does (although I'll have to go back and watch more carefully). So what is keeping Master Yoda firmly set in this mentality that Luke should only maintain a Jedi path?
Okay, so I don't know about you but I think Yoda may have a bit of a Napoleon complex. He's got a shit ton of power, yes! He is strong with the force he is! But he also kinda fucking toots his own horn a bit! If he were admit to himself that perhaps there is something more than the true and righteous Jedi path, he also admits his entire life's pursuit was not a grand and righteous, holier than thou, I have the right to push you around and tell you want to do because I'm the bomb-damn-diggity and you will do what the fuck I say because I am the wisest mutherfucker in the galaxy so far as we know- BUT that he was just simply one small piece of the puzzle. One thread in a much larger weave (although an important green one) and just a player on a stage with his own limitations.
But don't get me wrong- I think he may have understood this somewhere because he also tends to have a humble streak who likes a simple life and is open-minded enough to accept something of that magnitude. (P.S. I love Yoda.)
So with that being said, Jung wrote this about projections-
"The effect of a projection is to isolate the subject from his environment, since instead of a real relation to it there is now only an illusory one."
He later goes on to give an example,
"A forty-five-year-old patient who had suffered from a compulsion neurosis since he was twenty and had become completely cut off from the world once said to me: 'But I can never admit to myself that I've wasted the best twenty-five years of my life!'"
"It is often tragic to see how blatantly a man bungles his own life and the lives of others yet remains totally incapable of seeing how much the whole tragedy originates in himself, and how he continually feeds it and keeps it going. Not consciously, of course- for consciously he is engaged in bewailing and cursing a faithless world that recedes further and further into the distance. Rather, it is an unconscious factor which spins the illusions that veil his world. And what is being spun is a cocoon, which in the end will completely envelop him." (1951, "The Shadow" Aion.) (And I don't have to fucking cite things correctly- this is my own damn blog).
Apparently these projections belong in the "realm of the shadow."
But I may not be in a place to begin identifying my own projections... ?
.... I've thought about deleting this blog a thousand times since its inception... (You know, in the past three days).
I think I may even have mentioned something of a projection in the previous post-
"You're more of an inconvenience than anything."
The idea that my thoughts are a waste of time and not worth the effort to explain, let alone publish for a random audience to read...
SO I should save myself the trouble AND potential anguish of reading critiques and comments!!
However, should I do that (delete this blog) I will be continuing to spin the web of that safe little cocoon I have wrapped myself in to keep from feeling the potential pain associated with vulnerability. So here I fucking go... I have to do it for my own damn good.
Imagine a person taking a light saber and cutting themselves out of a cocoon right now...
Hairless, skin pale from lack of sunlight, eyes wide with shock and fear to see the outside world and thinking "WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO?!? NOOOOOOO!! This is all wrong, there must be some mistake! Quick, sew it back up! Sew it up!!"
Ain't I a sight people? A beautiful squishily pale vision of strength for identifying this particular projection and trying my best to patch up the shreds of silky fabric? Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes. Behold!
Well have no fear. I'll be okay as soon as I find some clothes. And maybe a good surgeon.
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