Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The art of giving too much of a shit.

Well- I remember when I posted something along the lines of...

"there will come a time when the delving has come to a point in which the delver (muah) shall need to go back up for air.. "

This is that point.

I will be taking a mental health day tomorrow in an attempt to counteract frayed nerves and an overall sullen affect that has permeated my groups.

This "mental health" day shall consist of:
1) Eating healthy food and consuming water along with regularly scheduled vitamins.
2) Driving to a local "favorite place" in which I can feel calmed by sitting my happy ass in nature and feel relieved it isn't 103 degrees outside for once during the summer.
3) Banning the use of cell phone games (or excessive use of).
4) Listening to comforting music (whether it be Metallica or Chopin).
5) Discussing matters with my now resurfaced supervisor.
6) Discussing any number of stupid and unimportant bullshit with dear and equally fucked up friends.
7) Read a book. 
8) Any other damn thing I please.

With luck I'll be going from this...

to this...

But we'll see.

If all else fails....

I'll have one less damn day until the weekend.

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