Sunday, July 7, 2013

Dirty nails

I'll just go ahead and say it. (And it isn't anything new folks).
Sorting through shit is time consuming, dusty and both physically and emotionally draining.
And very much worth it.

There was so much great shit that was just... sitting here. And I'm not talking about the shit I want to keep- the stuff I'm giving away! The things that have been taking up space with little or no purpose but are totally cool enough that someone might enjoy them. Like the first three seasons of Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Who the hell wouldn't want Aqua Teen?!?

Well not me anymore, but that's not the point. They're still pretty bad ass.

... Damn, maybe I'll just watch them one more time... But when the hell is that going to actually happen? Never!! And that's why they must go...
*sniff* Peace out Meatball and Mooninites.
I'll be damned if I'm giving up Invader Zim instead of you.
Gir kicks your ass in funny any day.

Case in point, all of these things I'm getting rid of obviously have memories attached. Who I got them from, why I bought them, what purpose they served.

And the real question I have to keep asking is whether or not these objects can help
a) remind me of the things I want to remember about the past
b) are presently things I use
c) aid in the quest to become the person I want to be in the future

Eh, I kinda like that quote. It's relevant for me anyway.

In some ways I believe that the actions I'm performing now (clearing, simplifying) is a necessary step in this whole dark side journey thing.
In many other ways it is helping me to appreciate the things I have and hold most dear.

For example:
For many years, since my grandmother's death, I've had her jewelry box. I never really used it because it was large and a little outdated, so I filled it with junk jewelry, along with pieces of hers I was allowed to keep and it's pretty much stayed in my closet.
I'm not even sure what made me think about it but I pulled it out this morning.
It had a broach stuck behind a hinge for years so it couldn't open properly. All I had to do was remove everything else and give it a shake.
Needless to say I sorted through everything and it now has a place of prominence in the room.

And THAT's the kind of shit I'm talking about! It was important to me that I keep the box and yet it was sitting in a closet, waiting for some attention. How many other things do I have stuffed in random places waiting for attention??
But it's not all good shit.
Do you have a random luggage bag full of old socks with no matches?!
Yea... Neither do I.   Now. 

So... Let's just say that I expect to be in this phase of the journey for a while.
Maybe I'll have some more tales about it.
Like how the hell we managed to get a small vital and specialized screw out from between the wall and kitchen counter.


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