Although there may be one or two people who are aware of this blog, the purpose and its existence remains the same, which is very comforting.
After several years I am continuing to explore my inner world and awareness and hope to continue until the day my body ceases to function.
Over the last 10 months my life has taken a significant turn. Reviewing it month by month may help to clarify it for anyone interested and for myself especially.
2017- An Important year
In mid 2016 I began a gratitude journal in which I wrote out at least three things I was grateful for every single day. It's a practice I still continue today. Every month I write out some intentions and goals I'd like to work on and at the end of the month I write out a little review to see how I did. At the beginning of the year I wrote out "I believe this one [year] may be a really important one for ourselves and our families."
In addition to this I made the commitment to read 10 books this year. By the end of January it became evident that this goal was very modest.
January- I broke down and firmly decided to quit a job that was making me miserable, no matter what the cost. I'd spent the last couple of years working for an agency I didn't believe in that was also severely stressful and draining my energy both emotionally and physically. January 22nd- I made a resolution to move on. January 23rd- I had an interview scheduled. January 27th- interview complete. January 30th- I was offered a new job. The universe works quick. Books= 9
February- Finally left the old job and began the new one. At this point in time my spouse and I were under the impression we would be moving to Asheville NC in the summer. Therefore I was also working diligently to acquire a counseling license in NC. My spouse was also going through a doctoral comps process that I was doing my best to support them in. Books= 8
March- I settled into my new job nicely this month. I was preparing for an important exam for my NC licensure application. My mother and brother visited and helped clean out some clutter in my basement that was weighing us down. Books= 5
April- This month was much more important in transitioning me to new levels of awareness than I ever thought at the time. I had completed and passed the exam, although plans to move were quickly becoming less and less feasible given the job market in the NC area. I also made the commitment to become a vegetarian. I had dabbled with the idea for several months and felt certain enough to follow through. In my gut (no pun intended) I felt certain that if I wanted to continue to grow, this was the next step for me, although I didn't fully understand it at the time. Books= 7
May- I was inspired to attend my first Reiki session this month. This experience has laid the ground work for much of the changes in my life. I've become open and an active participant in my own spiritual awakening because of this. Love was a priority this month in many respects. Books= 4
June- The motto for this month was "The Universe is expanding." I began going to weekly meditations at a nearby healing center to help facilitate getting rid of the old and make room for the new. This month my spouse and I struggled with money concerns. My work hours had been cut and that was all the income we had at the time. It was definitely a challenge but with the new perspectives we approached the problem differently than in the past, which was invigorating. Books= 4
July- I continued to explore using meditation, books and challenging experiences as guides. I became attuned in Reiki I and looked forward to developing the skill. My spouse and continued to struggle financially in some respects but remained optimistic regardless. We saw many family and friends this month which is a rare and always welcome surprise. Books= 6
August- Thankfully, the streak of having the opportunity to visit with and see family continued. This month I continued my journey and was trained in Reiki II. During this process it also became evident that the supplements and pills I had been taking weren't necessary for every day use, so I stopped. My spouse also got a job, which significantly eased any tensions we had about finances. The eclipse also occurred during this month and marked an important energetic shift for myself and many others. Books= 6
September- The month of September marked a significant birthday for me and challenged me emotionally in many ways. This was a month of transition from the old way I lived my life into a new way of looking at the world. There had been many changes and I would be a fool to assume that the repercussions of those decisions would not have challenging consequences. Books= 6
October- Thus far the month has proven that the changes I have made are beginning to pay off in the form of direct guidance and increased patience. It is easier to make decisions that are in the best interest of myself and others. I feel increasingly supported both internally and from the people I've chosen to surround myself with. Yoga has begun to resurface as a very important element in my life, necessary for the next phase the universe is preparing me for. Books thus far= 2
Needless to say, I gave up on giving myself a set number of books to read. After 52 (a book every week of the year) I figured this year's number might just be a good benchmark for next. In complete honesty- I only technically read a handful (probably less than 10). I mostly listen to the audio versions during my commutes and at home while doing chores. I highly recommend it for auditory learners. It's my firm belief that my continual urge to learn more about the world and myself helped to fuel the fire so I could continue to make positive changes and more informed choices.
At this point in time I am extremely amazed at the positive shifts my life has made. It's very clear that I'm doing something right. Although it may not always be easy, there is an ease and a peace that continues to grow and further inspire me to surrender to this process.
In several months I went from being entirely dependent on the outside world to fulfill my needs and make me happy to creating my own happiness and feeling so personally empowered that it is sincerely hard to imagine how I used to make it through the day, let alone struggle for years.
Some of you may not understand, but I hope some of you do.
I don't think I've ever felt better in my life, about all aspects of my life.
THAT is totally worth a celebration!